
Father’s Day Card – Tie

Ties! Ties! Ties!

Ties are what is often portrayed as gifts for Dads.  Well how about making a Father’s Day card that looks like a one.  Click on the tie image to download the instructions for this craft.

Materials: construction paper, scissors, pencil, glue,decorating media: (crayons, markers, paint, stickers, glitter, etc.)

1. Let child choose paper colour (note: it would be better to not use black or dark blue as the decorating media may not show up very well)

2. Make tie outline on paper by one of three ways:
a) Use tie template to print tie pattern onto paper.
b) Print tie template, cut out and use pencil to draw around template to put tie shapes onto
c) Draw your own tie shapes onto paper using pencil.

3. Once tie pattern is on paper, let child cut tie shapes out.

4. Child can decorate tie front however they like using one of the suggested decorating media. Some ideas you can give: stripe, dots, pictures, etc.

5. Attach front of tie to back of tie: fold tab on top of tie front and glue to back side of tie back.

6. Put card greeting inside card on the back piece of the tie:
a) Adult can write the greeting inside card on tie back.
b) Print your greeting and let child cut it out and glue inside card.

Greeting suggestion:

To the best Daddy
in the World!
Happy Father’s Day!

7. Child writes their name under the greeting or adult can do so if child is not able to.

Father’s Day Tie Card Template

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Elaine Hornung